California - Assembly Bill 802 (AB 802)
The Building Energy Benchmarking Program requires owners of large commercial and multifamily buildings to report energy use to the California Energy Commission by June 1 annually.
Energy Demand Forecasting:
The Energy Commission must update its energy demand forecasts to reflect current market conditions and existing energy usage baselines.
Energy Usage Data:
Utilities must maintain records of energy usage data for all buildings they service for at least the last 12 months.
Upon request and authorization, utilities must provide aggregated energy usage data to building owners or their agents. This helps owners understand and manage their energy consumption better.
Benchmarking and Public Disclosure:
Building owners must benchmark (track and compare) their buildings' energy performance using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool.
Certain large buildings (over 50,000 square feet) must publicly disclose their energy performance data annually. This transparency aims to encourage energy efficiency improvements.
Energy Efficiency Programs:
The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) must authorize utilities to offer programs that help increase energy efficiency in existing buildings, such as rebates and technical assistance.
Utilities can recover the costs of these programs through their rates and count the energy savings towards their efficiency goals.
Due Dates:
Benchmarking and Reporting: Building owners must comply with benchmarking and reporting requirements annually by June 1st, starting in 2018 or 2019, depending on the building type.
Exemptions for Building Owners: Buildings may be exempt from reporting if they meet certain conditions, such as:
Not having a certificate of occupancy for more than half the year.
Being scheduled for demolition within one year.
Being benchmarked under a local program recognized by the Energy Commission.
Covered Buildings: The bill applies to buildings that receive energy from a utility and meet specific criteria, including having multiple utility accounts or being over 50,000 square feet in size.
AB 802 aims to enhance energy efficiency policies, improve data management, and support energy-saving initiatives across California. By requiring benchmarking and public disclosure, the bill promotes transparency and encourages building owners to make energy-efficient improvements.
For full Assembly Bill reference: